Tag: Wayfinding

Wayfinding: Typestyle do’s and don’ts

Wayfinding: Typestyle do’s and don’ts

| June 20, 2014

With the number of typestyle choices we have at our disposal these days it is very easy to be seduced by something snazzy, but it’s important to ask yourself, “Does this style suit signage?” There are lots of examples out there of fonts that may be fine for use on a logo or a printed […]

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Wayfinding: The destination list

Wayfinding: The destination list

| May 21, 2014

Developing a useful and logical wayfinding system starts with a very basic concept that is often overlooked: establishing a destination list. The destination list is key to helping people find what it is you’re offering, and the importance of consistency cannot be stressed enough. And when striving for consistency, knowing correct naming conventions is key. […]

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Wayfinding in retail: Considering the consumer

Wayfinding in retail: Considering the consumer

| April 25, 2014

From the customer’s perspective, good wayfinding signage in a retail environment cannot be underestimated. When you are in an unfamiliar setting and need to find something specific there is comfort in knowing you can do so without having to enlist the help of someone else. Good, readable, well-planned and well-designed signage will not only help […]

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Wayfinding in retail: The essential first steps

Wayfinding in retail: The essential first steps

| April 11, 2014

We’ve all been there: you’re searching for an address and you know you’re close but you simply cannot find it and you’re very nearly ready to give up. It can be maddening, and it certainly does not help your mood or elevate your opinion of the business you’re trying to locate. All this is before […]

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New LED system charts a course through supermarkets

New LED system charts a course through supermarkets

| March 18, 2014

Supermarkets aren’t designed to move shoppers quickly through the store (in fact, most are designed to encourage customers to spend more time and money). But a new LED system may soon help supermarket shoppers navigate store layouts more efficiently — and it may also add to their smartphones’ long list of notifications. As research company PSFK […]

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Wayfinding techniques revamp hospital design

Wayfinding techniques revamp hospital design

| February 13, 2014

Talk about adding insult to injury: to visit a hospital is, in most cases, to get profoundly lost. Signs are few and far between, or scattered about with seemingly little planning. Elevators and hallways never seem to lead where they say they will, and most visitors need a medical textbook to help distinguish what each […]

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