Tag: Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
Your keyboard is dirtier than a toilet seat
It may appear clean and tidy, but just how germ-free is your office? Studies have discovered as many as 25,000 germs per square inch on an office telephone, and, if that isn’t startling enough, consider this: The typical office desk is 400 times dirtier than the average toilet seat, reports EHS Today. Office germsĀ haveĀ a noticeable […]
Aim for a better contingency plan this flu season
The flu is considered benign compared to other life threatening diseases. Many of us choose to endure the suffering, pop some pills, and wait for a few days to get rid of it. But did you know that this seemingly common disease claims hundreds of lives and several thousand out-patient visits and hospitalizations per year? […]
Should companies mandate certain vaccinations?
Infectious diseases are the second most common cause of death in the United States. Influenza alone kills more than 36,000 people a year. Infectious diseases can spread in a variety of ways including, direct contact, indirect contact, through the air, and droplets. Measles is an example of one highly contagious disease that spreads quickly through […]